Friday 5 April 2013

Cell life cycle

"Remember all the pain he's caused, the people he's hurt... NOW MAKE THAT YOUR POWER!!!"
— Goku encouraging Gohan to defeat Cell (FUNimation Dub)

Goku and Gohan emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as Full-Power Super Saiyans
Jeangabin666Added by Jeangabin666

While the Z Fighters try and fail to stop the androids, Piccolo (who had recently fused with Kami) discovers a new threat named Cell, a large biological life form created by Dr. Gero, made with DNA taken from Goku, his allies, and foes they fought in the past. Cell was designed to absorb Androids 17 and 18, in order to achieve a perfect state, kill Goku, and conquer the cosmos.[146] Cell hunts down the androids and absorbs Android 17, transforming into his second stage.[147]Meanwhile, Goku heals from his sickness and takes Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber at Kami's Lookout to obtain a year of training in one day under heavy gravity and incredibly volatile temperatures.[148]Vegeta and Future Trunks go in first and, while Goku and Gohan enter the Time Chamber next, go to find and fight Cell. While in the chamber, Goku gets toUltra Super Saiyan and Gohan believes that Goku can beat Cell with this power, however Goku explains that his speed has decreased in that form and the power to keep the form is too much. Goku realizes that half Saiyan hybrids like Future Trunks can turn Super Saiyan, so he trains Gohan intensely and helps him become a Super Saiyan as well. During this training, Goku notices that the potential Gohan has can easily surpass Goku's own powers, especially after Gohan managed during their training to transform into an unprecedented Super Saiyan level before losing consciousness during a training session, and that, if he is unable to kill Cell, Gohan will.[149]

Goku arrives on King Kai's planet via Instant Transmission
Jeangabin666Added by Jeangabin666

While Goku trains, Cell absorbs Android 18 and reaches his perfect form thanks to Vegeta's interests to fight Cell in his perfect form. Vegeta was easily defeated when he challenged Cell, as did Trunks, who failed because his new Ultra Super Saiyan Form had too much muscle mass to hit Cell quick enough, a flaw Goku noticed in the chamber.[150] After Goku and Gohan finish their training, Cell announces that he will be holding the Cell Games in ten more days, in order to give a chance to anyone who wants to challenge him.[151] For ten days, Goku and Gohan stay on Earth to train and relax while maintaining their Super Saiyan form the entire time. Goku also uses this time to travel to New Namek to askDende to be the new guardian of Earth, as Piccolo had fused with Kami in an attempt to stop Cell, and the fusion had made the Dragon Balls useless.[152]After Dende creates new Dragon Balls based on the old ones, Goku searches for those reactivated Dragon Balls in order to use them after they defeat Cell to correct everything Cell had put wrong.[153]

Full-Power Super Saiyan Goku wages a titanic battle against Perfect Cell
BeadtmdcAdded by Beadtmdc

After ten days have passed, the Z Fighters head to the Cell Games. After the supposed strongest person on Earth, Mr. Satan, is easily defeated, Goku offers to be the first Z Fighter to fight Cell, believing that he is no match for the villain in order to truly test Cell's abilities.[154] Goku finds himself almost equally matched but still at a disadvantage against a heavily suppressed Perfect Cell in every way, and cannot seem to gain the upper hand after many attempts. Even after trying the Instant Kamehameha (a combination of the Instant Transmission and Kamehameha), which destroys Perfect Cell's upper half, he watches in horror as the android regenerates easily, thanks to Piccolo's cells in his body.[155] After getting tired and worn out, Goku decides to give up and leave the battle to Gohan, whom he is convinced has the hidden power necessary to defeat Cell.[156] Gohan then states that Goku had been holding back, only to learn he had not, leading to the conclusion that Gohan may be stronger than Goku, who was fighting at full power.[157] Gohan then powers up to a point where his energy eclipses even Goku's, and fights with Cell, but halfheartedly. After Gohan tells Cell that when he gets angry he gets much stronger, Cell starts to get curious and tries to force Gohan's inner powers out of him by making his children, the Cell Jrs, attack Gohan's friends and his father. All the Z fighters cannot beat the Cell Jrs, including Goku, who was worn out from his battle with Cell. After Android 16 attempted self destruct on Cell, who blasted him, 16 asks Mr. Satan to bring him (his remaining Android head) to Gohan, and he then tries to convince Gohan that fighting is sometimes needed. When Cell destroys Android 16's head, this triggers a change in Gohan, forcing him to ascend to Super Saiyan 2,[158] a form in which he greatly surpasses Perfect Cell, even after the behemoth decides to unleash his earth-shattering Full Power and a further powered up Power Weighted form, which Gohan easily overcomes to the point of forcing him to regurgitate Android 18 because of the damage he has sustained.[159]

Goku says farewell to his family and friends before going to Other World
SuperTienchaAdded by SuperTiencha

When a beaten Cell tries to destroy the Earth as a last resort, Goku is forced to step in with his "Instant Transmission" technique when Cell is about to trigger his self-destruction. He teleports them both to King Kai's Planet, where he is killed by the explosion Cell caused, along with King Kai and his pets Bubbles and Gregory.[160] However, Cell is able to reconstruct himself as Super Perfect Cell, a trick even Cell himself did not know he had, and uses the recently learned Instant Transmission to go back to Earth.[161] Goku then motivates Gohan from the Other World to help fuel Gohan's Kamehameha wave against the reconstructed Super Perfect Cell, which, after a lengthy beam lock, successfully obliterates him.[162] After Cell's defeat, Goku insists that he should stay dead, even though they could resurrect him, because he has attracted too many problems to Earth, like Frieza and the Red Ribbon Androids. Goku decides it will be safer for Earth if he does not return, and Earth has Gohan to protect it if needed.[163]

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